We're happy to announce that we now support written stories. And we've published our first one, which is of Hedaya Hartford, the author of Coming of Age, who used to be a die-hard Buddhist

But what about videos?

We're still committed to producing video interviews. In an ideal situation, we'd like borderline converts to meet real converts. But, in the absence of that being possible, video comes second best.

We're just adding written stories to the mix because there are too many benefits that we can't ignore.

The benefits...

If our videos are all on YouTube, then what value do borderline converts get from our website? Why should they visit it? And why should they keep on visiting it? 

With written stories, we have good answers to these questions. Insha-Allah, with a more organised newsletter, we can develop ongoing relationships with borderline converts. 

If other websites or newspapers republish our stories, more people will learn about overcome.tv. And, who knows, perhaps we can compile them into published books.

The great thing about written stories is that they're much faster and cheaper to produce. We don't need a physical presence and we can accomodate people who are camera shy. And, through the help of volunteers, we can produce many stories at the same time.

How it's done...

We don't expect reverts to write their own stories. Not only are they busy, but writing for the web is an scientific art that we can expect them to know. 

So, when a convert volunteers, we ask him/her to answer the questions in this form. We then look for any gaps in the answers and get those filled. Then we edit the answers into a 1st person narrative that uses as much of original wording as possible. We then present our first draft and work with the convert to finalise it. Then we add it to our backlog of stories waiting to be published.

Our current goal is to release 1 written story each week. If we can build up a backlog of 100 written stories, then we'll do 2 per week. If we reach 150, then 3 per week. And so on. 

Can you help us reach our goals?

If you are a revert and you're yet to share your story with us, then please let us write your story. Just go here to get started.

If you know any reverts, then please point them this way.

And if you like to write, then perhaps you can volunteer to write for us.

And if you speak another language, then perhaps you can translate our stories. It will also be great if you can help getting translations published on websites in that language.

p.s. Don't forget to read our first story. It's amazing how someone so committed to another religion can leave it for Islam.